Last week, from Saturday October 26th through Saturday November 2, I took part in the Harris/Walz ground game in the Allentown, Pa. area. Each of those eight days I left the place where I was staying first thing in the morning to go knock on doors, about 7–800 of them altogether over that time. I talked to those who opened the door or who I passed in the street, about 300–350 people I’d estimate, and leave campaign literature when no one answered. It was definitely hard work, but it was good work, and I am thankful that at the age of 75 my knees and the rest of my body held up so that I was able to make it through.
The doors that I was knocking on were a mix. Many of those I spoke to were Harris supporters, but there was a substantial minority that were either undecided or Trump supporters, which I was glad was the case. I wanted to do outreach “beyond the choir,” and I was fortunate to be connected in August to a local Democratic Party campaign for the Pennsylvania State House in a very definite “purple” area. This was reflected by the fact that there seemed to be as many yard signs for Trump as there were for Harris as I went around. As a result I ended up talking to scores of Trump supporters.
Did I change any of their minds? Not as far as who they’ll be voting for, almost certainly, but I do feel confident that I raised some doubts in the minds of some of them, particularly when I reminded them that both General Mark Milley and General John Kelly said publicly that after working closely with Trump when he was President that they believe he is a “fascist,” their word. Milley said he is “fascist to the core.”
I was encouraged that, even if just for a few minutes, I was able to have a civil conversation with these Trump supporters where we both listened to each other. It strengthened some hope that I already had that, going forward after tomorrow’s election, especially if Harris wins, it is possible to make inroads with some of them.
Hopefully we progressives, especially we white progressives, will get a chance to work at that in a more conscious and focused way after tomorrow, after a Harris/Walz/Democratic Party set of victories.
But there’s still one day to go!
Although I’m home, glad to be here regaining my strength, my anxiety about the election had me on the phone for four hours yesterday making calls into the area where I did my door to door work. And I will do at least that many hours today doing the same.
VP candidate Walz, former coach, has used the analogy of “running through the tape,” meaning that if you are in a foot race you don’t let up until you’ve actually crossed the finish line. In the past, before the electronics revolution, there often was an actual tape, a ribbon, stretched across the finish line for the winner of the race to break through.
A breakthrough: that’s what a Harris/Walz victory can be, and I believe it is a definite possibility if, even today, we all make those calls, knock on doors, text people we know to be sure they’re voting and win the biggest set of victories we can tomorrow. History is calling upon us to defeat the fascist threat!
Ted Glick has been a progressive activist and organizer since 1968. He is the author of the recently published books, Burglar for Peace and 21st Century Revolution. More info can be found at